May 16, 2003 I've got a new option: the blog. Here, I'll make rants of something and stuff and I'll post anyone who wants to have their own rant there. Check it out. Click on BLOG.
May 11, 2003 I've finished reworking the intro site so at least it can be accessible to anyone that doesn't use Internet Explorer or has a Mac. I corrected some links that linked to the main page instead of the intended page. Added another piece in the Artwork section. Maybe you'll like this one.
April 30th, 2003, 12:15.
FINALLY! I'm done with the layout of the site. Three or two pages probably will be expanded for more content but now, time to celebrate and stuff. Ugh... my eyes....
April 29th, 2003.
Yeah, I know it's been a long friggin' time since 2002. A whole friggin' year of no updates and stuff; I don't even know why I'm typing this. Oh well. For the people who think of stopping by and curious about what the hell's in my site, all I can say is NOT MUCH. I'm going to a lot of revamping and making the site simple and clean. I'm emptying my past artworks so I can show my latest skill.
Pretty much, I'm "under construction."
Today's a fun day. For all I can say. My buddy Fernando played in the band "Ghrea Ghourmm" in Truman College. I got to be crazy and be the dance mascot, throwing my out my hands wildly into the air and shake my hair like a metal freak. Oh yeah... it was fun. I tell man, Fernando is wicked with the guitar.
Man, the best part of the show was when Fernando started yelling the chorus to the rendition of "Rape Me" by Nirvana. I swear by the blood of my scared ass, he looked and sounded like he was going to literally kill someone. All I said was, "That was hard-core man."
Back to working on the site. |