Fiction based on already existing works.



Baldur's Gate fan-fiction


HEARTS GO BEYOND BLOOD - A main character and Imoen romance fan fiction. This was inspired by a

discontinued Imoen romance fiction and the Imoen romance mod.  I tried not doing a bad job of it as well

and giving a bit of conflict on sibling "love."  Bullshit.  In the first Baldur's Gate, Imoen wasn't proclaimed as

you sister, rather your best friend.  The developers decided to make her your sister in the second installment.

Cheesy title aside, go ahead and read it.  As soon as I'm finished with this fanfiction, I might redo it,

increasing the quility of the fiction.  After this, that's it.  I'm done with fan-fiction.


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5













Original fiction done by my own imagination.